Mixeddoublesbern - Mixed Doubles Bern

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6. Mixed Doubles Bern vom 1. - 3. Oktober 2021

Das grösste Triple Knock out Turnier auf der Tour
in der grössten Curlinghalle Europas

Dieses Jahr mit 24 Teams, Triple K.O.,
Preisgeld CHF 8'000.00
Mixed Doubles Bern 2021 is official! We are very happy to open this years entry. Spread the word and sign up now for the biggest mixed doubles competition in Europe - the first big showdown of the world elite five months prior to the Olympic Winter Games 2022!

#mixeddoublesbern2021 #WorldCurlingTour
Mixed Doubles Bern 2020 Champions Rasmus Wranå / Isabella Wranå
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